What Our Customers Have to Say:
Marimba Auto (full letter of recommendation)
Marimba Auto is a small business with three diverse product lines. The axle tube assembly that is manufactured for the Ford F250 pickup truck is housed in a converted 50,000 sq. ft. warehouse facility. The manufacturing process added significant heat and humidity into the building space. There was also a buildup of suspended particulate that was affecting the air quality and the existing ventilation system was not adequate to manage any of these three problems. We began working with AirMax in March of 2011. Their proposal addressed our need for exhaust, make-up air and filtration within the building. Although the system was unusual in its construction, using flexible tubing that inflated for ducting the air, the engineering suggested that the application of this product would fit nicely into our facility and meet our requirements for air exchange and filtration.
The cost and delivery was very competitive compared to a fixed sheet metal ducted system. We required a very short turnaround time from purchase order to completed installation since we were trying to utilize the system for the beginning of summer in June 2011. Once the decision was made to purchase our system, Airmax moved quickly (6 weeks) to meet our window of opportunity for installation in our facility. They participated in on site planning meetings and provided their expertise in deciding on openings for the roof curbs as well as offering technical support to our electrical contractor. We agreed on a four day installation plan for the AirMax system with some additional time for the electrical installation to be completed by our contractor.
Even with minor field corrections the system was available for startup as promised. The results have been more than what we were expecting. The cooling effect of supplying the overnight air into the building has been extremely successful for us in managing the summer heat. Although by late afternoon the building does warm up, we often are still cooler than the outside temperature. Because our internal filtration is circulating the air from the top of the building to the floor we keep the humidity at a much more manageable level. We look forward to similar success in managing the air quality in cooler temperatures to minimize stratification of the warmer ceiling air trapping the humidity at the plant floor.
Also, the building houses other businesses that are directly attached to our modular space and these tenants are no longer complaining about odors that migrate into their operations. The Marimba installation is available for customer review on request.
We are located in the Detroit area.
Sincerely, John Mantey,
Director of Operations at Marimba Auto
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